The Ministry of National Education has set up Three Main Goals for 2004-2009:
(1) To spread and widen the access for education;
(2) To improve Quality, Relevance and Competitiveness and
(3) To strengthen Management, Accountability and Public Image.
Along with the above goals, Directorate for Vocational School which is under the Directorate General for Manajement of Primary and Secondary Education has set up several main targets in bringing up vocational schools capable of dealing with the competitive global era.
Spreading and widening the access for education;
a. Improving vocational school’s capacity by establishing new schools, setting up smaller vocational school within the secondary school or other institution, setting up distance learning model of vocational school in Pondok Pesantren (the school for Koranic studies), Senior High School and within an industry, as well as empowering existing vocational schools, both state-owned and private.
b. Offering special vocational school programs in under-developed areas or at the nation’s borders.
c. Setting up a scholarship scheme for the rather unfortunate students and improving the infrastructure.
Improving Quality, Relevance and Competitiveness
a. Providing support facilities: library, laboratory or workshop.
b. Enhancing partnership with business or industry, and, in cooperation with industry, developing a model vocational school.
c. Developing Information Technology program that includes ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Center as well as computer labs and internet access.
d. Setting up vocational schools with local and international standard, partnering with overseas education institutions for internship program.
e. Improving reference books, textbooks and reading materials.
f. Improving the average score in National Examination, including the improvement of beasic skills, Increasing the frequency of examination, and arranging online examination.
g. Developing a competency-based curriculum which includes imposing Competency Certification, both at local and international standard.
Strengthening Management, Accountability and Public Image.
a. Capacity-building programs at all level of organizations, starting with the Directorate for Vocational School, school management and all stakeholders of vocational school.
b. Socializing the policy of the Directorate for Vocational School towards society, business/industry and international bodies.
c. School mapping program accompanied by a need analysis of what the business/industry requires.
d. Improving Quality Management System, starting with monitoring and evaluation, implementing the e-government, analyzing vocational education development, ISO 9001:2000 requirement, and developing Central Vocational Schools at the national, provincial and regency levels.